Dr. Paul Wilson is a senior biomedical scientist specializing in radiation biology. He is also the Biological Systems Sciences group leader in in Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Biological Sciences Division. Wilson earned a PhD in cellular and molecular radiobiology from Colorado State University in Fort Collins with Dr. Joel Bedford and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in DNA repair with Dr. Larry Thompson in the Biosciences and Biotechnology Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). After converting to a senior staff scientist at LLNL, Wilson was recruited to Brookhaven National Laboratory. There, he managed a radiobiology team and radiobiology operations at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory, a national charged particle accelerator user facility that is jointly managed by the Department of Energy and NASA. Wilson’s research focuses on studying the impact of ionizing radiation exposures across a broad range of doses, dose rates, and linear energy transfer values using in vitro cell culture and in vivo animal models; identifying and testing promising radiation medical countermeasures; and evaluating the impacts of inter-individual genetic variation on ionizing radiation-associated health risks in exposed individuals and populations, including astronauts on extended space missions.