
A NASA-funded consortium to enable durable human presence in low Earth orbit and beyond by innovating, accelerating and implementing space biology-specific knowledge and technology centered on human-plant-microbiome relationships.

Who we are

The Consortium

The BioS-ENDURES Consortium is built upon a collaboration between the University of Washington, Washington State University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and science and advisory boards.

biological monitoring

Develop monitoring capabilities to measure underlying molecular status (biomarkers) of humans, animal models, plants and their associated microbial communities. 

System models

Build models to predict human, plant, and human-plant-microbe robustness and interactions in space. 

Human-Plant-Microbe Interactions

Validate and apply understanding of human and plant health, including promoting beneficial human-plant-microbe interactions, to enhance health in space. 


Upcoming Impact

Our proposed projects will provide a wider range of studies of plants and vertebrate systems than previously available. We will address:


Development of biosensors for humans and plants that report on physiological status.


Testing with ionizing radiation sources and other abiotic stresses.


New examination of potential correlations and controls of human microbiomes on human performance and well-being, including biorhythm misalignment.


Use of microbes to enhance plant stress tolerance, growth, and access to nutrients in regolith/regolith simulant.


Potential pathways of human pathogenesis from plant microbiomes and how to test those pathways.


Testing with ionizing radiation sources and other abiotic stresses.